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Blog Posts (4)
- Combe Common Recreation Ground
The project to buld a community paviilion on the Combe Common Recreation Ground has moved forward and shortly plans will be discussed with Waverley Borough Council in a pre approval planning exercise. An important aspect of the planning process will be to present the results of a community engagement process that will (hopefully) demonstrate widespread community support for the project. The Parish Council has been working with a firm of architects, Open Design Studio, and have created a Vision document that can be downloaded via the link below. In the coming weeks the Parish Council will be hosting an event where the views of the community will be invited. There will also be an online opportunity for you to express your opinion. If you would like to be kept updated with the progress of the project please email and you will be added to a mailing list and sent periodic updates.
- Combe Common Recreation Ground
- Nextdoor Chiddingfold
Nextdoor is the online neighbourhood hub for trusted connections and the exchange of helpful information, goods, and services within your local area that you live in. Register to Chiddingfold Nextdoor here
Other Pages (175)
- H D Brooks and Sons Painters & Decorators LTD | Chiddingfold | Surrey
H D Brooks and Sons Painters & Decorators LTDPainting and decorating services < Back to full directory list H D Brooks and Sons Painters & Decorators LTD Painting and decorating services Harry Brooks 07557342518 Contact us Can you improve the information listed on this page? If so, please contact us with your suggestions. We will review and most likely update the information.
- Sports & Fitness |
These are local groups, and businesses providing sport, fitness, wellbeing and outdoor activities within the Parish. Sport, Fitness and Wellbeing Groups These are local groups, and businesses providing sport, fitness, wellbeing and outdoor activities within the Parish. Chiddingfold Cricket Club - Ladies Chiddingfold Cricket Club - Seniors Chiddingfold Cricket Club - Youth Chiddingfold Football Club - Seniors Chiddingfold Football Club - Youth Chiddingfold Golf Club Lindsey Wright Fitness Surrey Acupuncture The Little Gym Walking Group - Ladies Women's Netball Yoga Include Your Sport & Fitness Listing
- Volunteering |
Interested in becoming involved within our community and volunteering your time to one these groups or organisations in the village? Volunteering Interested in becoming involved within our community and volunteering your time to one these groups or organisations in the village? CAMEO Car- Go! Chiddingfold Community Fund Chiddingfold Lunch Club Chiddingfold Society Chiddingfold Volunteers Friends of Chiddingfold Surgery Girl Guides Good Neighbours' Scheme Neighbourhood Watch / Police Royal British Legion Scouts/Cubs/Beavers The Chiddingfold Archive Include Your Voluntary Group