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Include Your Local Event 

Your event can only be listed if it is within the Parish of Chiddingfold.

Note:  * indicates this is required information needed to complete your submission.

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(Please include https://)
Upload Landscape Photo
Landscape Rectangle photo. mp bigger than 3,000 pixels. - Max File Size 1MB,


When you've submitted your event details, please wait for the confirmation page to appear to ensure all your details have been successfully uploaded before you navigate away from this page. 

Event Name *
Organisation Name *
Frequency of the event? *
Event Date  & Time
Event Date 
Event Opens
Event Closes

Landscape Image  -   

no bigger than 3000 pixels

Event Desciption *
Event Location *
Organiser Contact Name *
Email *

Logo - This must be square

no bigger than 500 pixels

Upload SQUARE Logo
Square Logo & no bigger than 500 pixels. Max File Size 1MB
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