Chiddingfold Parish Magazine
Local news and events
Chiddingfold Parish Magazine is published monthly. It contains reports of activities from local groups, items of general interest about the village and people, details of all the parish churches and their services, adverts from local tradesmen and a monthly diary of village events.
The magazine is available from Chiddingfold Post Office, or for regular delivery to your home or business, email Irving Johnson, details below.
Current annual subscription for 12 monthly copies is £7
The editors are always pleased to receive articles and pictures of local interest. These should be sent to the editors by the 15th of the month, except for December when it is the 12th , details below.
For information on how to submit articles or pictures, to advertise in the magazine or to receive regular copies please use the contact details below:
• Anne Sheppard, Joint Editor - anne.sheppard@btinternet.com
• Tony Wiener, Joint Editor - tony.wiener1@gmail.com
• Irving Johnson, Distribution Manager - irvingandwendy@gmail.com
• Benjamin Baker, Advertising - adsforchiddpm@gmail.com

Anne Sheppard

01428 685448